My argument is that the numbers represent the days of the month, so on the 1st, you open door #1. Also, in those chocolate calenders you can buy for like $1, the only constant chocolate shape is Santa Claus, which is always under the 24, since this is the night that Santa makes his rounds. Logically, if you were to count down from 24, Santa should appear under the 1.
Theresa's argument is simple: an advent colander is supposed to count down the days until Christmas, so naturally you should open the door that corresponds to the number of days left until Christmas (24 on Dec 1, 23 on Dec 2 etc.). In her defense, she cites the same chocolate calenders, which read in large letters on the front "24 Chocolate Days Until Christmas," which demonstrate that the calender's purpose is to tell us how many days there are until Christmas, not which day of the month it is (we use regular calenders for that).
So, what do you think?
I've always understood advent calendars to count down to Christmas. However, we had a handmade one with stars all around 25 that indicates the opposite approach. I believe both counting up to and counting down are accepted practices.
Well seeing as I was raised along side you I share your belief, and I would like to add that I have seen calanders that count to the new year. These ones have boxes along the right side that say "5 days till (enter year here), 4 days till..." well you get the idea. These boxes are marked with the days 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31. So with that being said I think either are acceptable. It just depends on the Calander you have. The ones mom got you, count down.
I totally agree with Theresa, we have always started with 24, that is what advent calendars are for. Seriously, I think Randal is a complete ignoramus for thinking otherwise. Why oh why did Theresa marry such a buffoon! Stay strong Theresa, never give in.
Metalica! Metalica!
It's an advent CALENDAR: a calendar is a represenation of the days of the month, in this case from 1 to 24, the days of December before Christmas. The best chocolate is under the last day, the 24th. Start with 1, go to to 24. So I guess I'm on Randy's side.
I'm with Randal on this one - we have an advent calendar where we start w/ 1 and then the baby Jesus is on day 25. It probably just depends on the calendar...
I have to agree with Randy too. You start with 1 and go to 24. Ending with Santa. Just like most calendars you hang around the house for Christmas they all start with 1 and end with 24.
In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I found the Santa Claus chocolate under day 6 of my advent calendar, instead of the 24th, as I had previously asserted was his only possible location. I guess that means that this premise is faulty, but it still seems like I have the popular support...
I can see both arguments here so I will add a little perspective to this. Mom & I started this tradition many, many years ago for two reasons. One was to get everyone excited about Christmas and the other was to get you kids to bed without a lot of arguing (the calendar flaps could only be opened on your way to bed: ie bribery). It has worked great over these many years but as I can see, things haven't changed: Holly is a stickler for the rules (we made the rules at the very beginning to start at one and end at 24 because this was how it was designed - the #24 box was twice a big as any other box and had the biggest chocolate. The calendars available these are cheap imitations of when Randy was a boy with all the boxes the same size thus leading to the confusion), Randy loves to argue (obviously this continues but with an expanded audience), Amy continues to side with girl power and Jeff would have eaten them all in one day if we stop him each year (he had his own agenda). Why don't you two compromise and Randy you eat yours from 1 to 24 (the right way) and Theresa you eat yours from 24 down to 1 (an acceptable way). Just make sure you get excited about Christmas and go to bed without any problems. However, you two will need to resolve this before children are involved.
I'd have to side with Randal on this...this part of the Miller family definitely starts with one and counts up.
However, if you only open one each day (and remember to do it daily) I think you've succeeded, regardless of your methodology. Remember, it's all about compromise.
Again...I cannot participate in a conversation because I am Jewish. I am consistently defeated in life by my lack of experience with anything practical. My parent's cocoon of Bar Mitzvahs, Torah, and Yarmulkes have kept me from participating in a lively and intellectually engaging debate.
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